Open Hearth Baking Classes Postponed
With the COVID-19 virus doing its thing around the globe, it's not a surprise that the Open Hearth Baking Classes that I was raring to teach at Nelles Manor Museum on April 4th have been postponed.
I had a scrumptious recipe testing day in the historic kitchen before life changed here in Ontario, so the class is all planned and it will be delicious! The museum and I will reschedule when health officials and the government advise us that it’s safe to do so.
Baking class added at Nelles Manor
Saturday April 4, 2020
10:00 am - SOLD OUT
2:00 pm - SOLD OUT
Tickets are $35
Buy tickets online via Eventbrite
Or by contacting the museum:
Tickets sold quickly for the 2:00 baking class at Nelles Manor Museum, so we’ve added a second time slot at 10:00 on the same day
Open Hearth Baking Class at Nelles Manor Museum
Saturday April 4, 2020
2:00 pm - SOLD OUT
Tickets are $35
Buy tickets online via Eventbrite
Or by contacting the museum:
I’m happy to turn up the heat again at Nelles Manor Museum in Grimsby, Ontario for other open hearth class! This time around, we’ll be focusing on baking recipes from the mid-19th-century.
Nelles Manor doesn’t have their brick bake oven anymore (perhaps a future restoration project…?), so we’ll be using a Dutch oven, griddle, reflector oven and frying pan on a trivet to concoct our tasty treats.
Open Hearth Cooking Classes at Nelles Manor Museum
Sunday July 28 - 1:00 pm
Sunday July 28 - 5:00 pm
Tuesday July 30 - 6:30 pm
Tickets are $40
Contact the museum to reserve your spot:
Following a successful first round of open hearth cooking classes last autumn at Nelles Manor Museum in Grimsby, Ontario, I’ll be back in July teaching a summertime class! Pick from 3 different time slots and expect to spend a hour and a half doing some “hands on” open hearth cookery from the late eighteenth-century using fresh fruits & vegetables.
Step back in time to prepare a light summertime meal using fresh fruits & vegetables with recipes written in the 1880s & 1890s, when the Nelles family was living in their newly-built home. You’ll try out a variety of hearth cooking techniques using the museum’s original 230-year old open hearth and enjoy eating the recipes together in the historic house. Attendees will also have the opportunity to tour the museum.
Victorian Tea at the Fashion History Museum
Saturday May 18, 2019
3:00 pm
Tickets are $25 (Sold Out)
In honour of Queen Victoria’s 200th Birthday, the Fashion History Museum in Cambridge, Ontario is hosting a Victorian Tea. At the Victorian Tea, Food Historian Carolyn Blackstock will be speaking about her experience in 2014 when she cooked one recipe a day from the 1898 community cookbook The New Galt Cook Book (Galt is a town that is now part of Cambridge).
Recipes from The New Galt Cook Book will be served at the Tea, and that’s where I come in - I’m preparing the food. Admission to the museum from 12-5:00 is also included in the ticket price.
Event info & tickets:
Carolyn Blackstock’s Cooking with the Galt Cook Book blog:
New Open Hearth Cooking Class
Both myself and Nelles Manor Museum have been pleasantly surprised by the overwhelming response to Nelles Manor’s forays into hosting open hearth cooking classes using their 230 year-old hearth! By popular demand, I’ll also be teaching an additional 6:00 class on November 4th:
Sunday November 4, 2018
1:00 pm (SOLD OUT) or 6:00 pm
Tickets are $30
On Nov 4th, we’ll be making the same historic autumn recipes as the sold-out open hearth classes in September.
Open Hearth Cooking Class Added at Nelles Manor
Sunday November 4, 2018
1:00 pm - SOLD OUT
Tickets are $30
The Introductory Hearth Cooking Classes I'm teaching on September 9th at Nelles Manor Museum in Grimsby, Ontario both sold out well in advance, so we decided to add a third class! At this class we'll be making the same Autumn recipes as the classes in September, only at the end of the Fall season rather than the beginning.
I did an interview with Niagara This Week about the Nelles Manor Open Hearth Cooking Classes. Give it a read!
Open Hearth Cooking Workshops at Nelles Manor
I'm very excited to announce my first freelance historic cooking classes at Nelles Manor Museum in Grimsby, Ontario!
Sunday September 9, 2018
1pm or 6pm (both classes SOLD OUT)
Tickets are $30
Open hearth cookery is how I got my start in historic cooking, but it's been a few years so I'm looking forward to getting back in the saddle again. Expect some blog posts from the kitchen at Nelles Manor as I get to know the hearth and get prepared for these workshops.
Step back in time to prepare a simple seasonal autumn meal using recipes from the 19th-century, some of which were written by a Grimsby resident in 1840. You’ll try out a variety of hearth-cooking techniques in the museum’s original 230-year old open hearth, and you’ll also enjoy a tour of the museum, time to sit and enjoy the meal around the harvest table and a booklet of recipes to take home.
If you don't know where Grimsby is, it's an adorable town in Southern Ontario's wine country, located between Niagara & Hamilton just off the QEW.